The result of the consignment by the Nippon Maru indicates very plainly that there is no demand for the cheaper grade of goods in your market. 由日本号货轮装运商品的委托销售结果表明,贵地市场缺乏对这种廉价物品的需求。
We thank you for your consideration in making us the consignment of 30 bales of cotton goods. 贵方欲委托敝公司销售棉织品30包,我方不胜感激。
A new consignment of goods. 新到一批货。
"The operation of the storage, processing and assembling and consignment sales of Bonded goods shall Be approved By and registered with the Customs." 经营保税货物的储存、加工、装配、寄售业务,需经海关批准,并办理注册手续
Contracting goods for shipping, organizing cargo, and handling the consignment and transshipment of goods and containers; 承揽货物、组织货载,办理货物、集装箱的托运和中转;
A method of determining elevating capacity for cranes in loading and unloading railway heavy goods is discussed, considering single loads of consignment of goods as a normal mass. 本文研究在正态总体下,铁路装卸笨重货物专用起重机起重量的确定方法。
Improvement of the ports closely linked with the national economic development and volume of transit consignment of goods. 港口状况的改善与国家经济发展息息相关,同时吸引过境运输货流也是重要方面。